QLD - Racing Office Items

30 July 2024

Trial Nomination Closing Times

As a reminder the nomination closing times for all barrier trials has been changed to 9AM daily effective immediately.

By bringing forward the closing times to 9am the trials can be compiled prior to the closing time for race nominations therefore allowing for greater efficency in compiling daily race fields.

Nominations - Harness Web only

Reminder effective August 1 nominations for races and trials will only be accepted via HarnessWeb. Phone nominations will be refused. 

It is expected that trainers also utilize HarnessWeb for all driver, colour and gear changes.

For a brief overview on how to Nominate your horse, click on the link below. There are also more tutorial videos which can be found through the Help tab in HarnessWeb.


Education Trials

Reminder that effective August 1 all horses accepted for an education trial (or green trial as they will become known) must be named. Unnamed horses nominated for a green trial will not be accepted.







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