SA Trots - S Loone Inquiry

11 September 2024

Stewards on Wednesday 11th September 2024 after hearing further evidence from Licenced person Shane Loone in respect to an inquiry which had been adjourned at the request of Mr. Loone on Thursday 29th August 2024 and again adjourned on 4th September 2024 in respect to matters which had arisen following the running of Race 6 1800-Got Junk? Pace run at Gawler Harness Racing Club on 12th August 2024 issued the following charges.

Charge 1.  AHRR 241. A person shall not in connection with any part of the harness racing industry do anything which is fraudulent or corrupt.

Specifics of charge were; “ That you Shane Loone have committed a corrupt act by placing a bet with the Betting Agency Sportsbet at 10:13am 12th August 2024 of $50 at Fixed Odds of $41 on Majorholeinmypocket for whom you were at that time the notified driver of in Race 6 the 1800-Got Junk Pace run at Gawler Harness Racing Club meeting 3:33pm 12th August 2024 was a corrupt act by yourself being fully aware at the time of placing this bet you had no intention of driving Majorholeinmypocket as Gaita Pullicino had been organized  to take the drive therefore you were taking Odds of $41 which did not exist when it became public knowledge of the driving change.

The stewards state the corrupt act is you have acted dishonestly. “

Charge 2. AHRR 215. A person shall not alter or manipulate gear or other equipment so as improperly to advantage or disadvantage a horse in a race.

Specifics of the charge “ Mr Loone as trainer of Illawong Kim and Majorholeinmypocket in Race 6 the 1800-GOT JUNK? PACE run at the Gawler Harness Racing Club meeting on Monday 12th August 2024 you altered the gear on Illawong Kim by presenting it to race without its Removable Ear Plugs which has improperly disadvantaged Illawong Kim and Tell A Tall Story by virtue of the fact it has over raced without them and has materially affected its performance and also that of Tell A Tall Story by placing undue pressure on that horse with it being the intention to improperly advantage Majorholeinmypocket chances in the race,”

Charge 3. AHRR 235 B (1) A trainer shall not place a bet on another horse in a race in which he has a starter.

Specifics of the charge “ Mr. Loone as the Trainer of Illawong Kim and Majorholeinmypocket in Race 6 the 1800-Got Junk? Pace run at the Gawler Harness Racing Club meeting on Monday 12th August 2024 you placed four bets on other runners in the race.”

Charge 4. AHRR 235 B (2) A trainer shall not place a bet on a horse in a race to finish ahead of a horse trained by that trainer in the race.

Specifics of the charge were “ Mr. Loone as trainer of Illawong Kim in Race 6 the 1800-Got Junk? Pace run at the Gawler Harness Racing Club meeting on Monday 12th August 2024 you placed a Quinella, Exacta, Trifecta and First Four bets on horses in the race for whom you were not the trainer to finish in all probability ahead of Illawong Kim for whom you were the trainer”.

Mr. Loone pleaded Not Guilty to all charges and sought an adjournment to seek Legal Advice.

Stewards granted the adjournment, acting under AHRR 183 Pending the outcome of an inquiry, investigation or objection, or where a person has been charged with an offence, the Stewards may direct one or more of the following:-

(d) that a licence or any type of authority or permission be suspended.

Accordingly, the HRSA Licence of Mr. Loone is suspended pending the outcome of this inquiry.

Trevor Styles

Chairman Of Stewards



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