June Integrity Updates & Information

04 July 2024

New Inquiries


  • 4 June 2024 – Mr Michael Carroll – HRNSW Stewards have commenced an investigation in relation to a report from the Australian Racing Forensic Laboratory (ARFL) that harpagoside has been detected in the urine sample taken from BORROWED TIME following its win in Race 3 the GARRARDS HORSE & HOUND LOCAL PACE HEAT 1 (1720 metres) at Dubbo on Friday 12 April 2024.

The reserve portion and control solution have been confirmed by Racing Analytical Services Limited (RASL) in Victoria.


  • 29 June 2024 – Mr Grant Forrest – HRNSW Stewards have commenced an investigation in relation to a report from the Australian Racing Forensic Laboratory (ARFL) that metformin has been detected in the post-race urine sample taken from JACKIES GIFT following its win in race 1, the ULTRA AIR 2YO TROTTERS FOUNDATION HEAT 1 (1609 metres) conducted at Tabcorp Park Menangle on Tuesday 30 April 2024.

The reserve portion and control solution have been confirmed by Racing Analytical Services Limited (RASL) in Victoria.


Inquiries Conducted


  • 3 June 2024– Mr Peter Tanti – HRNSW Stewards conducted an Inquiry in relation to a report received from the National Measurement Institute (NMI) that Cobalt above the threshold of 100 micrograms per litre in urine was detected in the urine sample taken from BLUE SUEDE ROCKA following its win in race 4, the HALLOWEEN @ CLUB PACWAY OCTOBER 27 & 28 PACE (1720 metres) conducted at Penrith on Thursday 12 October 2023.

The reserve portion and control solution were confirmed by the ChemCentre in Western Australia.

Mr Peter Tanti pleaded guilty to a charge issued by HRNSW Stewards pursuant to Australian Harness Racing Rule (AHRR) 190 (1), (2) & (4).

Mr Peter Tanti was disqualified for a period of 3 years 9 months to commence from 7 February 2024 the date upon which he was stood down pursuant to AHRR 183.

Acting under the provisions of AHRR 195, BLUE SUEDE ROCKA was disqualified from the abovementioned race.

Mr Peter Tanti was advised of his right to appeal the decision of the HRNSW Stewards.

  • 6 June 2024– Mrs Katie Xuereb – HRNSW Stewards conducted an Inquiry in relation to a report received from the Australian Racing Forensic Laboratory (ARFL) that Lignocaine, 3-hydroxylignocaine, norlignocaine and morphine were detected in the post-race urine sample taken from KATASTROPHEE following its win in race 3, the HALLOWEEN @ CLUB PACEWAY OCTOBER 27 & 28 LADYSHIP PACE (1720 metres) conducted at Penrith on Monday 16 October 2023.

The reserve portion and control solution were confirmed by RASL in Victoria.

The Inquiry was also conducted in relation to a report from the Australian Racing Forensic Laboratory (ARFL) that Lignocaine and norlignocaine were detected in the pre-race blood sample taken from KATASTROPHEE prior to the abovementioned race.

The ‘B’ sample was confirmed by RASL in Victoria.

Mrs Xuereb pleaded guilty to a charge issued by the HRNSW Stewards pursuant to Australian Harness Racing Rule (AHRR) 190 (1), (2) & (4).

Mrs Xuereb was disqualified for a period of 3 months to commence immediately.

Acting under the provisions of AHRR 195, KATASTROPHEE was disqualified from the abovementioned race.

Mrs Xuereb was advised of her right to appeal these decisions of the HRNSW Stewards.


  • 7 June 2024– Mr Ryan Hryhorec – HRNSW Stewards concluded an Inquiry that commenced on Friday 15 March 2024 into the late scratching of the horses WHODAT BOODAT, BUTTER CUP, MY ULTIMATE LEVI and MOOPS from the Broken Hill Harness Race Meeting on that date.

The inquiry was adjourned to allow Stewards to obtain further information in relation to the scratchings and take further evidence from Trainer/Driver Ryan Hryhorec.

On Thursday 6 June 2024, the Inquiry resumed and Mr. Hryhorec was questioned further by HRNSW Stewards.

Mr Hryhorec pleaded guilty to three (3) charges issued by HRNSW Stewards pursuant to the following Australian Harness Racing Rules (AHRR):

Charge 1 – AHRR 187(2);

Charge 2 – AHRR 209.

Charge 3 – AHRR 209

HRNSW Stewards issued the following penalties:

Charge 1:      3 months disqualification

Charge 2:      3 months disqualification to be served concurrently with Charge 1

Charge 3:      3 months disqualification to be served concurrently with Charge 1 & 2

Mr. Hryhorec was advised of his right to appeal these decisions of the HRNSW Stewards.


  • 26 June 2024– Mr Aaron Goadsby – HRNSW Stewards concluded an Inquiry that commenced on Tuesday 6 February 2024 in relation to three (3) directions issued by HRNSW Stewards to Mr Aaron Goadsby on the following dates:
  • 17 January 2024;
  • 30 January 2024;
  • 1 February 2024.

Each of the directions issued by HRNSW Stewards to Mr Goadsby required him to produce inter alia mobile telephones used by him during a period of disqualification imposed upon him which commenced on 6 December 2023. In particular, the direction dated 17 January 2024 required Mr Goadsby to produce the following:

“… within 48 hours of [Mr Goadsby’s] return to Australia from any overseas location…any mobile phone(s) used by [Mr Goadsby] during the Disqualification Period”. (Mobile Phones)

A number of exhibits were entered at the Inquiry, consisting primarily of email correspondence and letters between HRNSW, Mr Goadsby and respective legal representatives for both parties.

At the conclusion of the evidence and following consideration of that evidence, HRNSW Stewards issued three (3) charges against Mr Goadsby pursuant to Australian Harness Racing Rule (AHRR) 187 (3) & (7).  

After being informed of the charges and the particulars of each charge, Mr Goadsby requested an adjournment to obtain legal advice in respect of his plea for each of the charges.

HRNSW Stewards acceded to Mr Goadsby’s request and provided a period of 7 days for Mr Goadsby to provide a plea in relation to each of the charges. Mr Goadsby was further informed that should he enter a not guilty plea, a defence to the charge(s) was also required in writing.

On 13 February 2024, through his legal representative, Mr Goadsby pleaded not guilty to each of the three (3) charges.

Following further email correspondence between HRNSW and Mr Goadsby’s legal representative, defences to each of the charges were provided on 14 February 2024.

On 5 March 2024, following consideration of the evidence and Mr Goadsby’s defences to the charges, HRNSW Stewards informed Mr Goadsby they had found Charge 1 proven against him. In addition, at that time, HRNSW Stewards informed Mr Goadsby that as Charge 1 had been proven, it was not necessary for HRNSW Stewards to determine Charges 2 & 3.

Following that decision of HRNSW Stewards, Charges 2 and 3 were subsequently withdrawn by Stewards by letter to Mr Goadsby dated 26 March 2024. The directions the subject of Charges 2 and 3 dated 30 January 2024 and 1 February 2024 were subsequently withdrawn by Stewards by letter to Mr Goadsby dated 19 April 2024.

On 26 April 2024, Mr Goadsby’s legal representative provided submissions in relation to penalty.

HRNSW Stewards issued the following penalties:

  1. Mr Aaron Goadsby is warned off until such time as he produces the Mobile Phones in compliance with a direction of HRNSW Stewards issued on 17 January 2024;
  1. Following production of the Mobile Phones in compliance with a direction of HRNSW Stewards issued on 17 January 2024, Mr Goadsby is disqualified for a period of 12 months.

Mr Goadsby has appealed these decisions of the HRNSW Stewards.


Appeal Decisions


  • 4 June 2024 – Mr Brent Berry appealed the decision of HRNSW Stewards to disqualify him for a period of 2 years 9 months after he was found guilty of four (4) charges issued by  HRNSW Stewards as follows:

Charge 1 – AHRR 231(1)(a) & (d);

Charge 2 – AHRR 187(5);

Charge 3 – AHRR 248;

Charge 4 – AHRR 238.

By decision of the NSW Harness Racing Appeals Tribunal Panel, the appeal was dismissed.

  • 6 June 2024 - Mr Jack Callaghan appealed the decision of HRNSW Stewards to suspend his driver’s licence for a period of 6 weeks after he was found guilty of a charge issued pursuant to AHRR 149(2) when driving the horse CORAL STRIDE in Race 4 at Newcastle on Thursday 8 March 2024.

By decision of the NSW Harness Racing Appeal Panel the appeal was upheld.

HRNSW has appealed this decision to the NSW Racing Appeals Tribunal.


Integrity Information


  • During the month of May 2024, HRNSW Integrity department obtained710 race day samples.

As per normal HRNSW procedure all samples have been submitted for analysis.


Integrity Notices


  • 4 June 2024 – Arrival Times – Elevated TCO2 Levels as at 04/06/24.
  • 5 June 2024 – Mr Peter Tanti Inquiry Conducted.
  • 5 June 2024 – May 2024 Integrity Updates & Information.
  • 7 June 2024 – Mrs Katie Xuereb - Inquiry Conducted.
  • 7 June 2024 – Mr Ryan Hryhorec – Inquiry Concluded.
  • 21 June 2024 – Trainer Stood Down- Mr Jack Trainor.
  • 26 June 2024 – Mr Aaron Goadsby – Inquiry Concluded.


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