August Integrity Updates & Information

18 September 2024

It is to be noted that the current open Inquiries can be found by the following link:

New Inquiries –

  • 5 August 2024 – Mr Brett Hutchings – HRNSW Stewards have commenced an investigation in relation to a report from Racing Analytical Services Limited (RASL) that cocaine metabolites Ecgonine methylester and Benzoylecgonine were detected in a human urine sample obtained at the Parkes harness meeting on Friday 12 July 2024.
  • 5 August 2024 – Mr Brett Hutchings – HRNSW Stewards have also commenced an investigation in relation to a report from the Australian Racing Forensic Laboratory (ARFL) that benzoylecgonine was detected in the urine sample taken from FRONTIER following its win in race 7, the ORANA WOOL & SCRAP METAL PACE (1720 metres) conducted at Dubbo on Friday 14 June 2024.

The reserve portion and control solution have been confirmed by Racing Analytical Services Limited (RASL) in Victoria.

Mr Hutchings has been informed that his trainer and driver licences have been suspended pending the outcome of a HRNSW Steward’s Inquiry.

  • 8 August 2024 – Mr Mark Callaghan – HRNSW Stewards have commenced an investigation in relation to a report from the Australian Racing Forensic Laboratory (ARFL) that harpagoside was detected in the post-race urine sample obtained from the horse THE CID following its win in Race 5 the TAB REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL - HUNTER (LISTED CLASSIC) (2030 metres) at Newcastle on Friday 17 May 2024.

The reserve portion and control sample have been confirmed by RASL in Victoria.

  • 9 August 2024 – Mr Scott Hewitt – HRNSW Stewards have commenced an investigation in relation to a report from the Australian Racing Forensic Laboratory (ARFL) that Levamisole was detected in the post-race urine sample taken from ALABAMA LIONESS following its win in Race 6, the TAB.COM PACE (2170 metres) conducted at Canberra on Monday 6 May 2024.

The reserve portion and control solution have been sent to Racing Analytical Services Limited (RASL) in Victoria for confirmation.

  • 15 August 2024 – Mr Anthony Butt & Ms Sonya Smith – HRNSW Stewards have commenced an investigation in relation to a report from the Australian Racing Forensic Laboratory (ARFL) that Metformin was detected in the post-race urine sample taken from HOT TO TROT NZ following its win in race 5, the OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS @ APG SALES TROTTERS MOBILE (2300 metres) conducted at Tabcorp Park Menangle on Tuesday 18 June 2024.

The reserve portion and control sample have been sent for confirmation.

  • 30 August 2024 – Mr Brendan James - HRNSW Stewards have commenced an investigation in relation to a report from the Australian Racing Forensic Laboratory (ARFL) that phenylbutazone, oxyphenbutazone and gamma-hydroxyphenylbutazone were detected in the post-race urine sample taken from BUDDY PERFECT following its win in race 5, the LONGYARD HOTEL TAMWORTH PACE (1980 metres) conducted at Tamworth on Thursday 20 June 2024.

The reserve portion and control sample have been sent for confirmation.

Inquiry Concluded

  • 14 August 2024– Mr Grant Forrest & Mr Dennis Romero – Harness Racing New South Wales (HRNSW) Stewards conducted an Inquiry into a report received from the Australian Racing Forensic Laboratory (ARFL) that Metformin has been detected in the post-race urine sample taken from JACKIES GIFT following its win in race 1, the ULTRA AIR 2YO TROTTERS FOUNDATION HEAT 1 (1609 metres) conducted at Tabcorp Park Menangle on Tuesday 30 April 2024.

The reserve portion and control solution were confirmed by Racing Analytical Services Limited (RASL) in Victoria.

Mr Grant Forrest pleaded guilty to two (2) charges issued against him pursuant to  Australian Harness Racing Rules (AHRR) 190 (1), (2) & (4)  and 226.

In relation to Mr Forrest, HRNSW Stewards imposed the following penalties:

Charge 1:                  $2000 fine

Charge 2:                  $  500 fine

Mr Forrest was advised of his appeal rights.

Mr Dennis Romero also pleaded guilty to two (2) charges issued against him pursuant to the AHRR 239A and 204. as follow:

In relation to Mr Romero, HRNSW Stewards imposed the following penalties:

Charge 1:                  $2000 fine

Charge 2:                  $  500 fine

Mr Romero was advised of his appeal rights.

Having considered submissions from owner Mr Gregory Forrest in relation to the horse JACKIES GIFT and AHRR 195, HRNSW Stewards disqualified JACKIES GIFT from the abovementioned race.

Mr Gregory Forrest was advised of his right to appeal the decision of HRNSW Stewards to disqualify his horse.

Appeal Decisions –

  • 9 August 2024 – Mr Brad Elder – previously appealed the decision of HRNSW Stewards to disqualify him for a period of 10 months, to be served concurrently, after he pleaded guilty to three (3) charges issued pursuant to AHRR 190(1), (2) & (4) following a report from the Australian Racing Forensic Laboratory (ARFL) that Levamisole was detected in the post-race urine samples taken from;
  • LITTLE RIPPER NZ following its win in race 7, the NATIONALTROTGUIDE.COM.AU PACE (1609 metres) conducted at Newcastle on Friday 4 November 2022;
  • LITTLE RIPPER NZ following its win in race 2, THE FEATURE SWEEPSTAKES MAIDEN PACE (2030 metres) conducted at Newcastle Monday 7 November 2022;
  • LITTLE RIPPER NZ following its win in race 2, the BESTINBEDS.COM.AU WARATAH FINAL (1609 metres) conducted at Tabcorp Park Menangle on Saturday 10 December 2022.

By decision of the NSW Harness Racing Appeal Panel, the appeal was dismissed and the period of disqualification confirmed. Mr Elder then appealed that decision to the NSW Racing Appeals Tribunal.

By decision of the NSW Harness Racing Appeals Tribunal, the appeal was dismissed.

Integrity Information –

  • During the month of August 2024, HRNSW Integrity department obtained 789 race day samples.

As per normal HRNSW procedure all samples have been submitted for analysis.

Integrity Notices –

  • 7 August 2024 – July 2024 Integrity Updates & Information. (original notice at
  • 14 August 2024 – Arrival Times- Elevated TCO2 Levels as at 14/08/24. (original notice at
  • 14 August 2024 – Mr Grant Forrest & Mr Dennis Romero- Inquiry Conducted. (original notice at

If anyone requires further information please contact HRNSW Integrity Department on (02) 9722 6600.

Name:            Michael Prentice                                          Clint Bentley

Position:         Integrity Manager                                         Chairman of Stewards

Phone:           (02) 9722 6600                                             (02) 9722 6628



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