Tabcorp Park Menangle Meeting Postponed
Due to precautionary COVID measures the Menangle Park meeting scheduled for tonight Saturday 4 September has been postponed to Monday night 6 September 2021.
Compulsory COVID Testing
Any person who attended the Tabcorp Park Menangle race meeting on Tuesday 31 August MUST provide Harness Racing NSW Stewards with the result of a negative COVID test taken on or after Friday 3 September prior to attending any race course, training centre or training facility.
In relation to race meetings schedule negative test results for Bankstown and Menangle Park on Monday 6 September MUST be provided before 9am on the day of the meeting. Whilst for Menangle Park on Tuesday 7 September the negative test result MUST be provided before 9am on the day of the meeting.
Any enquiries or test results should be directed to HRNSW Stewards via email
Vaccination - Compulsory
In accordance with NSW Health Orders from Monday 6 September authorised persons who enter into or exit identified LAGs of concern MUST have a minimum first vaccination.
Any person attending any racecourse, training centre or training facility MUST provide Harness Racing NSW Stewards with proof of first vaccination before attending any race meeting or trial event which include Bankstown and Menangle Park on Monday 6 September and Menangle Park on Tuesday 7 September as well as the Menangle Park Trials on Wednesday 8 September 2021.
HRNSW management reminds all industry participants of the available industry support program.
Any enquiries or test results should be directed to HRNSW Stewards via email
HRNSW management reminds all industry participants of the available industry support program.